Bottle of Sake

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Bottle of Sake is a potion that gives you:

  • Resistance II for 1 minute.
  • Strength II for 1 minute.
  • Speed for 1 minute.
  • Haste for 1 minute.

However, there's a random chance of you and your dog getting drunk so be careful! The drunk effect includes:

  • Nausea II
  • Slowness IV
  • Mining Fatigue II
  • Blindness IV

for 1 to 2 minutes.

(for Dogs: 30 - 45 seconds.)

Your dog can also drink this. So don't be shy to share it with your furry pal! (drink moderately)



Ingredients Brewing Recipe
Water Bottle + Koji Sake brewing.gif


  • Right click to use the item.

Used In


  • It was added in DTN 1.18.0.