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(1.16+ only content)


If you know the dog's name :

/dog locate byname <your name> <your dog name>

If you know the dog's UUID (retrievable via hovering the dog's name in the death message).

/dog locate byuuid <your name> <your dog uuid>


If you know the dog's name :

/dog revive byname <your name> <your dog name>

If you know the dog's UUID (retrievable via hovering the dog's name in the death message).

/dog revive byuuid <your name> <your dog uuid>


Your dog's name has conflicting characters

  • Your dog's name is containing characters (including spaces) that may not be correctly interpreted by the command line which makes the syntax invalid.
  • For example, BêTô Doggo#001-Dog Allegro Ma Non Troppo #%$@^ etc.In this case, surrounding the name in quotes ("") will work
/dog revive byname <your name> "<your dog name>"