Creative Canine Tracker

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ID: doggytalents:creative_canine_tracker
Creative Canine Tracker is an item that locates the position of a dog regardless of the Radio Collar.
Its functions are the same as the Canine Tracker.


Press E in Creative mode to access the Creative menu.


  • Right click to open up the GUI.
  • Then, navigate to the dog that you want to track.
  • <image here>


  • The further you get away from your doggo, the text becomes less colored.
  • The maximum distance you can get away from your dog without the prompt: <Your dog> is here, is 6 blocks.
  • It was introduced in DTN 1.15.0.
  • The item is a reference to the Canine Tracker - a spiritual device given to Amaterasu by Princess Fuse from the popular game Okami.
  • <image here>
  • - Amaterasu using the Canine Tracker. - [1]