Egg Sandwich

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Egg Sandwich is a delicious food item that fills up 3 hunger points and gives you Regeneration II for 3 seconds.

Your dog can also eat this. So don't be shy to share it with your furry pal!



Ingredients Recipe
+ Egg
Egg sandwich crafting.png


  • Right click to use the item.


Real-life replica of Egg Sandwich made at Dashie's home
  • It was added in DTN 1.12.0.
  • This item is a direct reference to Legoshi's favorite food - from Beastars.
  • According to DashieDev, the item used Cooked Chicken's code as the base. sorry Legom

- Legoshi eating Egg Sandwich - [1]

  1. SS 1 Ep 7: Below the Fur Coat - 01:04.