Sniffer Dog

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This talent allows your dog to sniff out valuable ores.

Each level increases your dog's sniffing distance, thus increasing the chance of finding the desired ore.

To make your dog start detecting a certain block, a Scent Treat is required to mark the scent of the block:

  • The treat then be given to the dog who will lick the treat, memorize the scent and give you back.
  • To make your dog stop detecting, give it a empty Scent Treat.
  • To check which block your Dog are looking for, Sneak + Right click it with any Scent Treat in hand.

"...Dogs are not quite good at detecting blocks vertically, so despite the radius increase that each level provides along the horizontal plane, they are only capable of locating blocks which is not around 3 blocks higher or lower than where they are standing. Be sure to pay close attention to what the Dog is trying to tell you to have a better idea of where the block is..."


  • It was added in DTN 1.18.5.
  • Dialogues corresponds to the distance:
    • Close:
      • Hey, come check this out! I think I found something! It is VERY CLOSE!
      • OOOOH! My nose caught something VERY familiar! It is quite STRONG! Come here, QUICKLY!
      • WOAH! I can smell the thing that you needed! It is very STRONG!
    • Medium:
      • Hey, come check this out! I think I found something! It is a bit further away.
      • Ah! My nose caught something familiar! Come here!
      • Interesting, I think I am smelling something that you needed!
    • Far:
      • Uhm hey, come check this out! I think I found something! Although it is quite far away!
      • Hmmm, My nose caught a brief smell of a familiar sense. You might want to take a look.
      • Hmmm, I think I am smelling a bit of something that you needed!