Training Treat

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Training Treat is the first treat you'll need to make.

  • Each treat raises your dog's level by 1 and also raises your spendable points by 1
  • This treat is no longer usable once your dog is level 20. [1]



Ingredients (Shapeless) Recipe
+ Bone
+ String
+ Sugar
+ Rice Bowl
Training treat crafting.png


  • Right click on your dog to use the item.

    (DTN 1.18.0+) A Training Treat can directly convert an untamed wolf (even angry ones) into DTN Dogs.

Used In


  • It was added in the original Doggy Talents.
  • It is deemed the key to all of DTN's content.
  • Its recipe changed in 1.18.0.
    • Legacy recipe:

Training treat crafting legacy.gif

  • In the future, there might be a massive overhaul of the treat mechanism.