Water Holder

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Notice the Dog's fur, it loves absorbing water. And the Dog loves shaking it dry.

This talent allows your Dog to store water.

If you, your other wolves or Dogs are on fire, it will run to each and shake its fur, reduce the burn time or completely extinguish the target.

The higher the level, the more Water the Dog can store, so as the burning time the Dog can reduce!

You can either use a Water Bucket on the Dog to replenish Water or the Dog will automatically absorb Water when it comes in contact with Rain or a Water source. You can check the amount of Water left by using any bucket on the Dog while holding Sneak.

Mastering the skill grants your Dog's fur Infinite Water Capacity.


  • It was added in DTN 1.7.0.
  • This talent is very useful when traveling in the Nether