
From Doggy Talents Next Wiki
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Here are the documented animations:

  • Idle (while standing and sitting)
  • Look around
  • SCATCHIE!!!!
  • Beg
  • BELLY RUB!!! (2 variants)
  • Backflip
  • Flying
  • Fire Drill - Stop drop and roll!
  • Nakey
  • Stretch
  • Tail Chase aka. Chopin Tail
  • Running / Walking
  • Protest bombastic side eye
  • Sit and Stand
  • Faint (2 variants)
  • Drown
  • Struggle (if applied enough Band-Aids during Injured Mode)
  • Lie down
  • Death animations oh no
  • Hurt
  • Sniff sniff
    • Sneeze
    • Neutral
    • Ouchie
    • Angry
  • Touchy ouchie
  • Howl
  • Peaking (hello)

Good luck finding all of them ;)