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Dog Render

Directory: <your_minecraft_folder>\config\doggytalents-client.toml

  • Disable this if you want to force all Pack Puppy Dog to not render their Chest.
    • render_chest = true
  • When enabled, Dogs will show injured texture while injured.
    • render_incapacitated_overlay = true
  • When sneaking, a part of the dog's name will be rendered with a certain color, and the length of the part is based on the health percentage the dog has left.
    • render_health_in_name = true
  • Render a universal dog inventory access button in your inventory GUI. If this is turned off, you can still access the button via the dog's GUI in Talents > Pack Puppy.
    • dog_inv_button_in_inv = true
  • If the default injured texture proof too many graphics. You can substitute this friendlier texture instead.
    • render_incap_txt_less_graphic = false
  • Render the dog's name whose owner is not you with a different color.
    • render_diffowner_name_different = true
  • Attempt to block third parties from rendering overlays which may conflict with DT's built-in tag. It is recommended that this be achieved via the target third-party's configurations if they have the option to disable nametag overlay for certain mobs (which they should). This option should only be used as the last resort.
    • block_third_party_nametag = false
  • By default, a copy of the Classical (Vanilla Wolf Texture) provided by the mod is used to render The Classical Skin, this is to avoid conflicts with resource packs like Fresh Animations which are directly using the in-game wolf texture. Turning this on will make DTN directly reference the in-game texture.
    • use_vanilla_res_for_classical = false
  • Show a fun icon on world loading screen.
    • world_load_icon = true
  • Determine if dogs will render their armor.
    • render_armor = true
  • Determine if dogs still render with a red overlay upon hurt like they usually do. This can be toggled on if the user prefers to not have the red overlay and relies on the animation to indicate hurting.
    • block_red_overlay_when_hurt = false
  • Display extra smoke when the dog is on fire.
    • display_smoke_when_on_fire = true
  • By default, dogs will render items in their mouth, regardless of models. This can be disabled if you prefer not to render it on some less compatible model.
    • mouth_item_force_render = true
  • Enables the particle effect on Full Kami dogs.
    • enable_kami_particles = false
  • Do not render dogs' names whose owner is not you.
    • render_diffowner_name_dont = false
  • Always render dog nametags regardless even if player blocks it by F1 mode.
    • always_render_dog_name = false
  • Specify the max latency allowed before force adjusting the animation time client side to sync with server's animation time. The unit is in ticks. Provide a non-positive integer to disable this. Value from 0 to 7 both inclusive will be defaulted to 7.
  • Range: > -2147483648
    • max_animation_latency_allowed = 10
  • Currently, DTN is utilizing a new system for rendering Doggy Armor's Armor which allows DTN to directly use any texture which the armor item provided for the player, thus better replicating third-party armor. Set this to true if you prefer to use the old system instead.
    • use_legacy_dog_armor_render = false
  • By default, if there is no custom Helmet Armor model for the Helmet Item, DTN will use its helmet armor model designed for DTN Dog to render it on the Dog's head. Enable this to make DTN reuse the player's Helmet Model instead.
    • use_player_helmet_model_by_default = false
  • Disable this if you prefer to have The Classical Skin rendered on all dog regardless.
    • always_render_classical_skin = true
  • By default, DTN will try querying models from third parties designed for the player when rendering helmet on the Dog. Disable this to force DTN to use either vanilla's player model or DTN provided model designed for Dogs (specified by the below option).
    • use_player_helmet_model_by_default

Server Config

Directory: <your_minecraft_folder>\saves\<your_world_name>\serverconfig\doggytalents-server.toml

  • By default, Dogs can starve to Injured if are not fed properly. Disable this to prevent this behavior. Do note that you can still feed your Dog to recover health.
    • disable_hunger = false
  • When enabled, puppies get some levels from parents. When disabled, puppies start at 0 points.
    • enable_pup_get_parent_levels = false
  • The time in ticks it takes for a baby dog to become an adult, default 48000 (2 Minecraft days) and minimum 0.
  • Range: > 0
    • time_to_mature = 48000
  • Determines if dogs should whine when hunger reaches below 20 NP.
    • whine_when_hungry = true
  • When enabled, dogs will path and eat edible items in the world.
    • eat_food_on_floor = true
  • When enabled, dogs cannot be killed by any means (except creative-mode-bypass damage, in that case, you can still respawn your dog using his linked bed or commands). Instead, when his health reaches Zero, he will go into Injured Mode.
    • immortal_dogs = true
  • When enabled, dog can play tag with you. To make them play, throw a snowball at them.
    • play_tag_with_dog = true
  • When enabled, dogs will start to miss you when you leave them for too long. and when you come back, they will rush to you and greet you with love!
    • dog_greet_owner = true
  • Specify how many dogs can greet you when you approach more than one missing dog. The remaining dogs will remain in their position. To disable the limit, set this to any non-positive integer. Although this will cause all of your dogs to stand up and greet. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! :).
  • Range: > -2147483648
    • dog_greet_owner_limit = 5
  • Option to disable dogs who mastered Creeper Sweeper and are able to tackle Creepers. This is helpful if players intend their Creeper Sweeper master dogs to focus on fighting Creeper instead of warning you, which may cause a bunch of false positives due to the range being so wide that it includes Creepers which are not in danger zone or not reachable.
    • max_creeper_sweeper_dont_growl = true
  • Option to disable friendly fire for all players toward all dogs. This is used to always be the case with friendly fire disabled for a single dog.
    • all_player_cannot_attack_dog = false
  • Option to prevent dogs from accidentally going into a portal and getting unnecessarily transferred to another dimension, causing the owner to have to take them back. The preferred way to make a dog go to another dimension is to have Cross Origin Teleport set to true on that dog.
    • all_dog_block_portal = true
  • Define how many dogs a player can listen to commands which summon more than one dog to you at the same time. Set this to any negative value to remove the limit completely.
  • Range: > -2147483648
    • max_heel_limit = 20
  • Prevent dogs from pushing each other when navigating, this prevents dogs from pushing another dog into a dangerous area and improves navigation.
    • prevent_dogs_pushing_each_other = true
  • Configure how many ticks it usually takes for the dog to drop one hunger unit. Range: > 10
    • tick_per_hunger_dec = 400
  • Determine if the UUIDs of the dogs are being kept when training from vanilla and when they respawn on bed. This also allows Duplication Detection.
    • preserve_uuid = true
  • Duplication Detection. Specify what to do when a Duplication is detected when third parties are trying to load the dog from their own copy. Option is specified via the following Integer values.
    • 0 - Throw an exception out, this may produce a crash. However, this is the recommended way.
    • 1 - Silently remove the dog.
    • Other - Do nothing.
  • Range: > -2147483648
    • duplication_resolve_strategy = 0
  • By default, you can directly train an untamed wolf to a Dog with a Training Treat. Set this to True to disable.
    • train_untamed_wolf = false
  • By default, Dogs respawning from bed after being killed will be injured and are required to be nursed back to life. Set this to False to disable.
    • dog_respawn_incapacitated_when_killed = true
  • Enable this if you prefer Mob Retriever to only work with DTN's dog.
    • mob_retriever_only_carry_dog = false
  • By default, Dogs extend their bounding box covering the passengers to avoid suffocating them while calculating the appropriate path. Set this to false to disable it, but be warned, although Mob Retriever Dogs will still try to calculate the appropriate path while carrying another mob, there might be accidental suffocations.
    • wolf_mount_passenger_collision = true
  • By default, Conducting Bone users can summon their Dogs even when they are in other dimensions. Set this to false to limit Conducting Bone Users to only summon Dogs of the same dimension.
    • conducting_bone_cross_origin = true
  • When enabled, DTN will provide new players of this world (relative to the point that this option is first enabled on this world) a Starter Bundle which contains certain key items which assist you in starting with DTN.
    • enable_starter_bundle = false
  • By default, each Dog will be one of the Biological Genders. This, like how Biological Genders work, adds restrictions on how Dogs can breed. Therefore, only Dogs whose gender is Biologically Opposed can mate with each other. Set this to true to disable this behavior.
    • disable_dog_gender = false


Directory: <your_minecraft_folder>\saves\<your_world_name>\serverconfig\doggytalents-talents.toml

You can disable talents by setting the value to false.