Pack Puppy

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Mimic auto-picks up the item.

Each level gives your Dog 3 inventory slots in its Pack Puppy GUI.

To open the GUI, press E to access your inventory, then navigate to Dog Inventories!

(or navigate to Talents tab, there will be a small Pack Puppy icon within the tab.)

At level 3, your Dog will, also automatically pick up any nearby items if it has room in its inventory.

Additionally, at level 4, if there are meat in its inventory, it will offer it to other hungry dogs who is nearby. Egg Sandwich will also be offered if the other dog is low on health.

Talent Options

  • Render Chest: Toggle the visibility of the Chest attached to the dog's body.
  • Pickup Nearby Items: Toggle auto-pickup items. (Lvl 3 and above)
  • Offer Food: Shall other dogs eat food from this dog's inventory? (Lvl 4 and above)


Arcanine - Kaiken - Kishu Inu
  • It was added in the original DT.
  • This is useful for long distance travelling with a pack of doggos, as this talent serves as a mobile Food Bowl.
  • This talent is necessary for lower level (less than 5) Doggy Torch.
  • If the Pack Puppy is wearing a dyed Wool Collar, the Dog Inventory slots also have the same color as collar's color.
  • If gamerule keepInventory is true, then Pack Puppy won't drop items upon injured.