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Whistle is the item that gives your dog commands that it can listen to. Different commands are expressed via several modes.



Ingredients Recipe (shapeless)
Iron Ingots
+ Redstone Dust
Whistle crafting.png


  • Right click to use the item.


  • Shift + Right Click with the item in the main hand, and a GUI will open.

Whistle GUI

Via this GUI, you will be presented with the list of modes available now:

  • Use Arrow keys or your mouse to select the mode you want, you can also type to search for the mode and finally Enter to set the mode.
  • Additionally, you can use the corresponding Number keys for each mode (shown before the mode in Orange) to quickly select it.
  1. Press Set Hotkey.
  2. Then, Left click to assign; Right click to unassign.

Commands also can be issued without opening this menu via keybinds which can be configured via Minecraft's option menu.

  • Currently, you can assign up to 4 functions to be triggered using their respective keybinds.
  • Note that these keybinds are only active when you have the whistle in one of the hands.

The Whistle will then remain in the mode and you can Right click the whistle again anytime to give the command again.

Whistle Modes

Here are the currently available modes:


All dogs for this whistle to work on should be owned by the user and be in the radius.

Currently, the default radius of the whistle resides in an 100*50*100 area.

Basic Modes

  • Stand: Make all dogs stand. They might all teleport to you if you're far away.
  • Heel: Make all standing dogs comes to you.
  • Stay: Make all standing dogs sit.
  • Ok?: Same as Stand (legacy)
  • Command To Bed: Make all dogs return to their bed, if there's no bed, nothing will happen.
  • Go Behind: Make all standing dogs run behind you.
  • Tactical: Use this mode to command all of your dogs in Tactical Mode to start attacking a certain target. Achieved via aiming the whistle at the target and upon usage, this will shoot a projectile and a hit signifies attack to the dogs if the target is eligible.
  • Heel By Name: Use this mode to command certain dogs to come to you, even when they are sitting. Upon usage, a GUI will be presented.
    • Use the Arrow keys to select the dog you want to heel, you can also type to search and finally Enter to complete the command.
    • In default, the dog will stand up but you can force the dog to sit by Shift + Enter when completing the command (you will see the highlight color turns to Orange).
      • Soft Heel:
        • By default, the dog will always teleport to you upon using this command.
        • If this option is set to true, dog will stand up (if sitting), run to owner as usual and only teleport if too far.
  • Heel By Group: Same as Heel By Name, but it let you make all Dogs belonging to a Group come to you.
  • Heel By Look: Use while pointing it to one of your Dogs to make it come to you.
  • To Bed: Commands all Dogs to return to their Claimed Bed if available nearby. Dogs having their claimed beds broken and replaced somewhere else will need to reclaim them, or else they will interpret the position where they last claimed the bed as the target position and will check based on it instead. Shift click an Owned Dog Bed with its Owner nearby to make it reclaim the bed.
  • Ride With Me: Commands the dog to take a ride with you. (boats, camel,...).
  • Howl!: Use while pointing it to one of your Dogs and it will Unleash a Mighty Howl!!!.
  • All Stand Switch Mode: Command all Standing, Following Dogs to switch to a certain Following Mode.

Talent-Specific Modes

These are modes that only can be used with corresponding talents.

  • Sheperd : Make dogs with Shepherd Dog Talent start herding livestock.
  • Roaring : Make dogs with Roaring Gale Talent start roaring.
  • Mob Retriever: Make dogs with Mob Retriever to go and retrieve mobs.


  • It was added in the original Doggy Talents.
  • The Whistle Mode Changing User Interface was added in DTN 1.3.0beta since the old Mode Cycling method "has proven itself to be relatively annoying and unintuitive, by allowing a great chance of accidental mode switch and trigger".