Food Bowl

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Dog Food Bowl is a utility block that automatically feeds the dog whenever its nourishment point drops to a certain range.

It can also be used as an anchor for Wandering Mode.



Ingredients Recipe
Iron Ingots
+ Bone
Food bowl crafting.png


Right click the bowl to access the GUI.


  • Dog Food Bowl description on the old wiki:

The dog food bowl allows your dog to regenerate health! Thankfully, the Doggy Talents mod makes this an easy process. Trained dogs will automatically feed when you "set" the dog's food bowl to the dog by bringing it within one block of the bowl. You can then put food in the bowl. When your dog gets hungry it will eat it. [1]

  • An alternative to auto-feeding is to put food into a Trained dog with Pack Puppy Talent's inventory.
  • DashieDev suggested that it might have more applications soon.